Note: The latest update can be skipped if it doesn't apply to your installation or usage. Please see here
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.6161 - 7th September 2021
- General
- Localization
- Rescue Media Builder
- Recent backup folders were not always being copied when creating rescue media. This has been resolved.
- We've added a network authentication prompt when saving an ISO file to a disconnected network share.
- Technician's Rescue Media
- The option to prefix the backup filename with IMAGEID was not available in PE/Portable mode. This has been resolved.
- The toolbar for Defaults was not visible in Technician's PE/Portable mode. This has been resolved.
- File and Folder Backup
- Folders to backup were not added in alphabetic order. This has been resolved.
- File & Folder backup wizard would not use the users locale date/time format for the folder date/time. This has been resolved.
- Server Plus
- The refresh of the Exchange backup cache could lead to a "Not Responding" state. This has been resolved.
- Exchange backup could lead to an error "Not Enough Storage is available to process this command". This has been resolved.
- A program exception could occur when specifying an alternate location for SQL Server database restore. This has been resolved.
- Clone
- Email Attachments were missing for Clone operation. This has been resolved.
- Clone operations could fail to start if Forensic Copy was selected. This has been resolved.
- Image
An edge case with some flash drives could cause the last physical cluster of an imaged file system to be skipped. This has been resolved.
- Changed Block Tracker
- The CBT state in Macrium Reflect menus would not always track the current CBT state correctly. This has been resolved.
- On some systems, CBT could not be enabled on the system volume. This has been resolved.
- Image Mounting
- Mounted NTFS volumes would show as tbFAT in the Windows Explorer properties dialog when the option to "Allow access to restricted folders" had been checked. This has been resolved.
- When mounting an image the image comment would be displayed over the checkbox forcing 2 clicks to enable the checkbox. This has been resolved.
- When an image is automatically dismounted as part of consolidation, the Unmount backup dialog would retain the mounted volume. This has been resolved.
- Defaults and Settings
- The network authentication defaults now has a Test option to test connectivity.
- On 32 bit systems, default network user names were not being saved. This has been resolved.
- Log View
- The toolbar on the Log View could become corrupt when hiding the filters after switching tabs. This has been resolved.
- The Log view refresh button was clearing the log filters. This has been resolved.
- Existing Backups View
- The Existing Backups View browse option would not automatically select the file that was browsed for. This has been resolved.
- We've made the 'Folders list' column in the Existing Backups View re-sizable.
- Reflect Monitor
Cancelling a backup in Reflect Monitor could leave some buttons disabled. This has been resolved.
- Various
Various minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect.
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.6036 - 14th July 2021
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5994 - 21st June 2021
- Windows PE
When mapping a network drive in WinPE/RE the error "A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated." could be encountered. This has been resolved.
- Rescue Media Builder
We've added the WinRE Boot\Resources folder contents to the rescue media build for improved loading visualization.
- Log View
Log Files View would crash if a completion message exceeded 255 chars, this has been resolved.
- UI Theme
- Some Edit controls in viBoot would fail to respond to mouse interactions when using dark themes. This has been resolved.
- When using the light theme, some UI elements would incorrectly display a dark grey overlay. This has been resolved.
- Consolidation
- The standalone consolidation tool 'Consolidate.exe' rejected correct passwords for password protected backups. This has been resolved.
- A rare condition could cause consolidation to fail with a 'Bad file descriptor' error. This has been resolved.
- Backup File Name
- When an Incremental or Differential had no backup set to append to and created a Full, the {BACKUPTYPE} Parameter would be incorrectly replaced with the requested type rather than 'Full'. This has been resolved.
- A backup set with alternative locations, where the Full backup was created with Macrium Reflect v7.2.4732 or earlier, could cause the backup file name to exclude the default Image ID and target the wrong directory. This has been resolved.
- We've added a 'Collision Sequence' number that persists for a backup set when the Full backup has the same name as an existing backup. This ensures that backup sets with similar names and no unique prefix, can be easily identified by file name.
- VBScript Generation
The auto generated VBScript source template failed to run with a code syntax error. This has been resolved.
- Scheduled Tasks
In some circumstances, when editing non SYSTEM account scheduled tasks, Reflect would ask for a username and password even when one had already been provided. This has been resolved.
- Restore
- The locked drive dialog incorrectly showed drive 'X:' rather than the locked volume when prompting to restore using using the rescue media. This has been resolved.
- When launching a restore from an image file in Windows Explorer, the restore Wizard would be suppressed for the first run after a reboot. This has been resolved.
- The Restore/Clone automatic resize was not locking the size of MBR WinRE recovery partitions. This has been resolved.
- Existing Backups View
The Existing Backups view could become unsynchronized with the "Folders To Search". This has been resolved.
- Backup Definition Rename
- Renaming a backup definition file could lead to an abnormal Reflect termination. This has been resolved.
- Renaming a backup definition file could cause the next definition in the list to incorrectly show the name of the file just renamed. This has been resolved.
- Network Path Auto-Complete
A long delay could be encountered when entering a UNC or network share path as a backup path. This has been resolved.
- Server Plus
- When backing up Microsoft Exchange the incorrect databases, intermittently, could be listed in the backup summary. This has been resolved.
- Exchange backups could fail with: "One or more files failed the copy process" if the database path uses a different case to the defaulted case. This has been resolved.
- viBoot
The network adapter settings in the create VM wizard could be incorrectly hidden. This has been resolved.
- Various
Various minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect.
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5963 - 7th June 2021
- Cloning
- When running clone jobs in 'batch' mode the clone dialog would incorrectly be shown at the end of the job. This has been resolved.
- The taskbar icon could be hidden for scheduled clone jobs. This has been resolved.
Windows PE
If Windows PE has a low horizontal screen resolution of 800 pixels or less, then the restore/clone dialog could be 'clipped', rendering the 'Finish' button inaccessible. This has been resolved.
ReflectUI could generate a program error on Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 and cause multiple icons to appear in the notification area. This has been resolved.
Backup to DVD/CD
Reflect could generate a program exception when ejecting optical media at the end of a backup. This has been resolved.
File and Folder Backup
When searching password protected/encrypted File and Folder backups, the entered correct password was rejected causing the search to fail. This has been resolved.
Retention Warning
The backup completion warning, when the retention purge deletes all backups prior to running the backup, wasn't being suppressed if the retention rules were explicitly set to retain 1 Full. This has been resolved.
Various minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect.
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5946 - 1st June 2021
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5945 - 30th May 2021
- File and Folder
We've resolved a problem with the File and Folder source tree control not displaying selection state correctly
- Various
Various minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect.
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5942 - 29th May 2021
- Windows XP
Some 32 bit components could error during initialization when running on Windows XP. This has been resolved.
- Shutdown after Backup
We've resolved a problem that caused the power settings after a backup to not be honored.
- Exchange
Exchange backups would not correctly group by year when selecting a backup to restore from. This has been resolved.
- Scheduled Backups View
A rare program error could occur in the schedule history view when retrieving audit history records. This has been resolved.
- UI Improvements
- Some Windows installations, including, but not limited to, Japanese and Chinese traditional, could substitute the UI font with an incorrect typeface. This has been resolved.
- Image Guardian Event Viewer did not correctly display Warning icons. This has been resolved.
- Technicians License
The Technicians Portable application could display an incorrect expiry date in the application title bar. This has been resolved.
- Batch Backups
Backups run in 'batch mode', using a script by passing parameters to the Reflect command line would incorrectly show a completion dialog. This has been resolved.
- viBoot
viBoot could fail to load v8 encrypted image files. This has been resolved.
- Various
Various minor fixes and changes to improve Macrium Reflect.
Bug fixes and Improvements v8.0.5928 - 25th May 2021
- Reflect UI Font
We've changed the menu fonts used in v8.0 to be the same face and point size as in v7.x. A future update will add additional configuration options.
- Main Toolbar
The main application toolbar can now by hidden to save space. Take the 'View' > 'Toolbar' menu option.
- Log View
- To save screen space, we've added a Show/Hide button for the filter options in the Log View.
- Logs were not being purged on startup when the retention was set for zero days. This has been resolved.
- We've resolved a crash when loading log files that are empty.
- File and Folder
- File and Folder backups could incorrectly report access denied for some files when backing up. This has been resolved.
- The copied files list now shows Modified and Created dates in local time rather than UTC.
- Installer
The 32 bit installer could crash unexpectedly on some systems. This has been resolved.
- Password Reveal
Password reveal box now supports Windows Hello PIN authentication..
- MS Outlook 365
We've fixed a problem with Outlook personal account usage in the MS Outlook 365 Email Settings
v8.0.5903 - 17th May 2021
- Macrium Reflect v8.0 - First Public Release
We're excited to announce the official release of Macrium Reflect v8.0. Macrium Reflect v8.0 has been comprehensively overhauled to provide a better user experience, and we've added some great new functionality as well...
- Resilient File System (ReFS) and exFAT support
- Dark Theme
- Intra-Daily scheduled backups
- Removable media Imaging and Cloning support
- Automatic partition resizing when restoring or cloning to different sized disks
- New 'Existing Backups' view
- Improved File and Folder backup wizard
- Improved backup file name functionality
- New tbFAT driver for mounting File and Folder backups
- Redesigned and Improved 'Log' view
- OAuth 2.0 email authentication for Gmail and Outlook 365
- viBoot now includes Oracle VirtualBox support
Please visit our knowledgebase for more information: New in Macrium Reflect 8.0